Dependent children and spouses must meet the admission requirements of the programs. However, with the approval of an employee’s manager, work-related courses may be taken during regular working hours, provided that comparable time is made up within a reasonable period. The university will avoid, through careful planning of work schedules, the necessity for employees to work overtime. However, it is understood that occasions may arise that require a reasonable amount of overtime for the efficient operation of the university. Management will endeavour to provide employees with reasonable notice of the need to work overtime. Upon completion of the leave, employees must return to their position for a minimum of one year or, failing this, they will be required to reimburse the university for any salary received during the leave.
I think I may have been exposed to hepatitis A or B. What should I do?
Students (with the exception of students auditing courses) are required to write all final examinations. Those who absent themselves without an acceptable reason will receive a grade classification of “NP” (No Paper) accompanied by a letter grade based on term work completed, using a zero value for incomplete term work and for the final examination. If no credit for term work is involved, a grade of “F” will be assigned. Under certain conditions a student may apply for a deferred examination; see Deferred and Supplemental Examinations. Honours students are required to register in a minimum of 9 credit hours during each Fall and Winter Term in which they are registered.
Clinic Hours
You are automatically the beneficiary of any coverage selected for your spouse. In-Hospital IndemnityThe plan 1% of the benefit payable, up to $2,500 per month, if you are hospitalized for at least four days as a result of injury occurring in a covered accident. The benefit is payable for a maximum of 12 months for confinement due to any one accident. This benefit is reduced by the amount by which this benefit, plus benefits payable under the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador optional long term disability insurance plan, exceed 100% of pre-disability net monthly earnings. Education BenefitIn the event of your accidental death, the insurer will pay an education benefit for each dependent child enrolled in a school for a higher learning, or who enrolls in a school for higher learning within 365 days after your death.
How much does PrEP cost? How do I pay for it?
Not all courses included in the course description sections are currently offered. The course schedule for the current academic year is available through Aurora Student. Students should note that space in Honours and Major specific courses may be reserved for students in those programs. The courses required to complete the specific Honours, Major, General and Minor programs in Science are listed in the program grids found within each department or program entry.
Cancellation Policies and Notice Period
Please note as this is a “summary” of your benefits, if any discrepancies arise, the wording in the Insurance Contract will prevail. For those who are aged 24 years and under and are living in one of these homes, you do not have to pay the $2 for each drug filled or refilled, even if you have private insurance. That’s because the amount of the deductible is based on the number of months between your official start date (the first day of the month after you turn 65) and July 31 (the last day of the Ontario Drug Benefit program year).
Out of country emergency medical travel claims
All U of S employees travelling for U of S related business are eligible for Business Travel Accident Insurance coverage beginning on the date you are hired. Loss of use must be total and must have continued for at least one year. Before the plan pays the benefit, the employee must provide proof that the loss is permanent. If you apply for Optional Life Insurance in situations other than those described above, evidence of insurability is required and your coverage will take effect when the insurance company approves your coverage. If you become totally disabled, your Basic and Optional Life Insurance and Optional AD&D coverage will continue without payment of premiums while you are receiving benefits under the University’s Long-Term Disability plan. The standards on sex at birth and gender were modified to reflect feedback received during this consultation.
B.Sc. and B.C.Sc. (Honours) Academic Regulations
Vacation and sick leave credits will not accumulate while an employee is on long-term disability leave. Vacation and sick leave credits will not accumulate during sick leaves of more than 30 days. „One day” is defined as a period equivalent to a normally scheduled work period. The employee may opt to receive salary payments only during the actual time worked or have them spread over the entire work reduction period, and will advise HR of their intention, in writing.
Regular occupation period extender
Regardless of income level, the proportion of reported spousal violence was between 1 and 2%. However, rates of IPV were nearly double in rural Canada than in the major metropolitan areas (542 incidents per 100,000 population compared to 294). Overall, women ages 25 to 34 are at the greatest risk of physical or sexual assault by an intimate partner (Statistics Canada, 2011). On the other hand, Amato and Keith have argued that the overall the effect of divorce on children’s well-being is relatively weak and has been declining over time. Children of divorces experience higher levels of well-being than children of intact, but highly conflictual marriages Divorces that are not accompanied by parental conflict do less harm to children. These findings would appear to lend credence to modern processes of family mediation in divorces where where a neutral third party helps people to negotiate a settlement to their dispute (BC Ministry of Attorney General, 2003).
Business Travel Accident Insurance
There are homeless people who bring it on themselves and onto the rest of us, but most of us are just trying to survive. Most of us try to remain inconspicuous, but it’s getting harder because the authorities have been fencing off all the hideaways where we go to sleep or do our drugs. SHEC has a library consisting of 300+ books, poetry, zines, and more pertaining to a variety of student health topics. McMaster students, staff, and faculty members are welcome to borrow items from our library for academic research or leisure.
BC PharmaCare’s Special Authority drugs
If you have no dependents eligible for the education benefit, the insurer shall pay an additional amount of $1,000 to the designated beneficiary. Air Travel AccidentsIf you are traveling as a passenger or as a crew member in an aircraft properly licensed and flown by a pilot properly certified to fly such aircraft, you are entitled to the benefits described herein. The information contained in this website is important to you and we suggest it be kept in a safe place.When your insurance terminates you must return your identification card(s) to your Administrator.
A spouse who is under 65 years can apply to, or remain enrolled in the Trillium Drug Program. If you’re taking another biologic not listed above that the ODB program covers, it will still be covered. As new biosimilars are approved by Health Canada and enter the Canadian market, additional biologic drugs may be subject to this transition requirement and this webpage will be updated to reflect the applicable biologic drug and transition period. When a company develops a new drug, it will have the sole right to make (based on a formula) and sell the drug (under a brand name) for a certain period of time.
Get a travel supply of medication
A student who receives an Academic Warning assessment will be permitted to register for classes and will be assessed at the end of each term in which they register. Students who are unsure of what constitutes academic misconduct should refer to the regulations in General Academic Regulations, Academic Integrity, and consult with a Science Academic Advisor or a faculty member. Information about academic penalties for academic misconduct is available on the Faculty of Science website.
- 60% of societies, mostly modernized nations, follow a bilateral descent pattern.
- Although both single men and single women report social pressure to get married, women are subject to greater scrutiny.
- On the other hand, critical perspectives emphasize the inequalities and power relations within the family and their relationship to inequality in the wider society.
- Entry to the four-year Major Co-operative Option is at the end of second year.
- The sex at birth standard provides a classification variant with three categories (male, female and intersex).
- People with a history of anaphylaxis after a previous dose of an Imvamune® vaccine are not recommended to receive the vaccine.
Program Information
Neither Christina nor James had seen much success with marriage while growing up. Her parents never married, and her father has had little contact with the family since she was a toddler. Christina and her mother lived with her maternal grandmother, who often served as a surrogate parent. James grew up in a two-parent household until age seven, when his parents divorced. He lived with his mother for a few years, and then later with his mother and her boyfriend until he left for college.
Effective dates of coverage
Courses graded “D” may be repeated for the purpose of improving a GPA. Note that some faculties and schools consider a grade of “D” as unacceptable and will not apply the course toward the program as credit. In most cases the course will need to be repeated to attain the acceptable grade. To continue in a four year Major Co-operative Education Option, students must maintain a minimum DGPA of 2.50 at each point of assessment; except for students in Psychology where a minimum DGPA of 3.00 must be maintained at each point of assessment. A student’s performance will be evaluated following each academic term. In addition, the student must meet all individual course prerequisites for further study and departmental continuation and graduation requirements.
If you are without coverage or need additional support, the Ontario government has a free program called Trillium that anyone with an Ontario health card can apply to. Individuals on daily PrEP will have maximum protection from vaginal sex at 21 days and anal sex at 7 days. The medication needs to be continued once daily as consistency determines the level of effectiveness. Health is very personal and we feel it’s important to provide information to help you make a well-informed decision about PrEP. If you will ever have a possible exposure to HIV it is something to consider – especially if not always 100% sure of a sexual partner’s status. The contents of this site are for information purposes only and are not in any way intended to replace or substitute the advice of your healthcare professional.
Academic Advising
Strippers also dance in a provocative or seductive manner to arouse their audience. A phone sex operator is a type of sex worker who provides pleasure through the phone. The operator must be able to sexually stimulate his or her client through a provocative and sensual script. Phone sex may take on varied forms, such as sexual sounds, guided fantasies, and discussions of very intimate and sensitive sexual topics. This video from Ryerson University provides a great explanation of sexual consent and discusses sexual violence. Information icon Members of the public and hobby photographers, for safety and capacity reasons, are not allowed to access the landfill site for photography or filming.
In general, women feel more independent and more prepared to live a large portion of their adult lives without a spouse or domestic partner than they did in the 1960s (Roberts, 2007). In the United States, the practice of grandparents acting as parents, whether alone or in combination with the child’s parent, is becoming more common (about 9%) among American families (De Toledo and Brown, 1995). A grandparent functioning as the primary care provider often results from parental drug abuse, incarceration, or abandonment.
The amount paid by the employee or the employer to maintain insurance coverage. It’s one of the most comprehensive drug programs in Canada, providing reasonable access to drug therapy through seven drug plans. A child is considered a full-time student when they meet the attendance requirements specified by the educational institution. Students must be able to demonstrate, if requested, that they meet full-time attendance requirements. The person(s)/registered charity named to receive the insurance benefit if the employee dies while insured. If the employee dies without designating a beneficiary, payment will be made to the employee’s estate.
Your healthcare professional will advise you of the dosing that’s right for you. Submit their diet online and consult with our experienced equine nutritionists to get help with formulating a balanced feeding program. One of the challenges facing Mongolian horses is the overgrazing and degradation of the steppes, which threatens their natural grass diet. Conservation efforts are essential to maintain this ecosystem and ensure these horses have access to forage.
Auditing students must register by contacting the Faculty of Science General Office. Students given permission to audit a course will be registered in their course(s) after the initial access period for registration. Investigation of today’s modern computer architecture and system design concepts, including requirements, specifications, and implementation. Instruction sets, instruction-level parallelism, speculative execution, multi-threaded architectures, memory hierarchy, multiprocessors, storage design and implementation, and interconnection networks.
Together, they refle ct an important set of criteria again st which we can evaluate and strive to improve ourselves thereby continuously strengthening our organization. Laurier employees lead by building a thriving community and anticipating the future. The university will exercise the foregoing rights in a manner that is fair, reasonable, and consistent with the terms and provisions of this handbook. If it is alleged that the university has exercised any of the foregoing rights contrary to the provisions of this handbook, the matter may be the subject to the employee issue resolution process (EIRP).
Please note, when you submit this opt-out request, you must show proof of either a valid third-party health insurance coverage or OHIP. In addition, a survivors’ pension may be payable to your spouse or an orphan’s pension may be payable to your dependent children. You will be asked to designate a beneficiary when you are first eligible for Basic Life Insurance or when you apply for Optional Life Insurance. You may change your beneficiary at any time by completing a Change of Beneficiary form. It is your responsibility to keep your beneficiary designation up to date. If you do not designate a beneficiary, benefits will be paid to your estate.
This course is restricted to students in a Computer Science Major, Honours, or Joint Honours program. Topics include the design of real-time systems, scheduling, event based processing, and real-time control. This course may not be held for credit Free phone sex extra minutes. Call now!! if a student has previously completed both of ECE 4240 and ECE 3760. Computer Science encompasses a broad array of ideas and special topic areas. In this course students will pursue a specific intermediate topic, which will vary from year to year.
- Life insurance payments are non-taxable when paid to one or more designated beneficiaries, and only a named beneficiary can apply for the funeral advance.
- You can get coverage as a single senior (including as a widowed spouse) or as a couple (includes spouses who are married, same-sex or common-law partners).
- A family of procreation describes one that is formed through marriage.
- This course will examine state-of-the-art knowledge about the issues relevant to data and computer security.
- Annual vacation entitlement will be prorated if the employee works less than 35 hours per week and where periods of absence occur for which vacation credit does not accrue.
- This diet has led to natural selection for easy keeper horses with efficient digestion and metabolism.
- If death occurs within the 31 day conversion period, your beneficiary or estate will receive the amount to which you would have been eligible to convert.
- However, aggressive behaviour (reported by parents) in both girls and boys aged four to five years old was greater in single-parent families (Human Resources Development Canada, 2003).
- Out-of Province BenefitCoverage is provided for 80% of expenses incurred outside your home province when the required medical treatment is not readily available in your home province.
Make sure to consult Sam Faris before filing OnlyFans taxes, as there are numerous tax-reporting differences between these business structures, and the wrong choice will cause you to pay more in taxes than you need to. These types of actors are sex workers who perform different sexual acts or role-play according to one’s fantasies. It can be soft porn or hardcore porn, which includes sexual penetration. Some sex workers establish large audiences through platforms like OnlyFans.
There are no limitations or restrictions on employee basic life claims for eligible employees under age 65 or eligible retired employees under age 65, except as under accidental dismemberment and loss of sight. The total lifetime maximum payment for orthodontic services, for each covered person, is $3,500. The dental plan is designed to assist you with the cost of your dental care and reimburses most basic and major dental and orthodontic services.
The university has both a legal and moral obligation to accommodate the needs of its employees so that barriers to equal participation are eliminated wherever possible. The Employee Issue Resolution Process (EIRP) can be found on the University intranet ( under Employee Groups and Resources. The EIRP provides staff access to a process that addresses concerns related to employment practices without fear of reprisal. Future changes will be discussed with the employee and formalized with a written letter from the manager and copied to HR. The Employee Success Factors provide a foundation for many aspects of the Laurier employee experience.